Gift Card

Gift Card

Gift Card – the perfect gift!

A unique piece of art is a wonderful gift, which will be appreciated for years to come. Our gift cards gives the recipient the opportunity to pick and choose from over 500 unique art works by talented, professional artists.
Sunderø Gallery present art to love!

kr 500,00kr 15.000,00

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Download the Gift Card here

Sunderø Gallery connects people with art and artists from around the world. We offer genuine art experiences and an opportunity to find unique, contemporary artworks in all techniques. Here you can buy gift cards that can be used to pay for art in our shop. We offer denominations up to 15 000 NOK. Should you need other amounts, you can either combine denominations, or contact / +47 960 67 027.

Our gift cards can be used as full or partial payment for all items in our gallery. Whatever you choose we are sure it will be appreciated. And by the way, why not wish for a gift card for yourself too, for your next birthday?

Please note: The full amount must be used within one year after purchasing. Unused expired gift cards are non-refundable and cannot be reinstated.

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